While most of the content of the forum is freely available to all visitors, even without an account, participation in the forum of posting new topics and blogs, replies to existing topics and blogs and otherwise interacting with the community require that you register an account with Tomato Talk.
Before you sign up, be sure you take a look at our Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy. In addition to those, we have some more informal rules posted here.
Start the registration process
To begin, look to the top right of the window and you will find a button that contains the text "Login or Sign Up". click that
When you click that button, you will presented with a box that will let you login, or click a link to register a new account
This will bring you to the Registration page, when you will select your username (also known as a "handle" or "alias"), which is the name you will be known by on the forum. For example, my username is "SeanInVa". You will also need to select a password, enter your email address and then enter the letters and/or numbers you see in the funny image.
This funny image is called a "CAPTCHA" (read more about those here). Sometimes they can be hard to read, so there is a "refresh image" link next to it which will generate a new image. The CAPTCHA is not case sensitive, so don't worry about matching the capitalization of the letters.
You also must agree to abide by our terms and rules (also know as the Terms of Service), and agree to our Privacy Policy. Once you have entered this information, click the red "Complete Signup" button in the bottom right of the page
Once you complete this step, you will be informed if the registration was successful. If it was, an email will be dispatched to the email address you entered with a link contained within. In order to complete your registration, you must click the link. This is to ensure you have control of the email address you entered and to prevent invalid/spam signups.
If you cannot click the link or it does not work as expected, there is an alternative method to complete the registration. Within the email is your User Name and an Activation ID. You can go here and enter those values.
Once you are registered, head over to the How to change your settings and profile information topic to learn how to change some of your information and settings.
Before you sign up, be sure you take a look at our Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy. In addition to those, we have some more informal rules posted here.
Start the registration process
To begin, look to the top right of the window and you will find a button that contains the text "Login or Sign Up". click that
When you click that button, you will presented with a box that will let you login, or click a link to register a new account
This will bring you to the Registration page, when you will select your username (also known as a "handle" or "alias"), which is the name you will be known by on the forum. For example, my username is "SeanInVa". You will also need to select a password, enter your email address and then enter the letters and/or numbers you see in the funny image.
This funny image is called a "CAPTCHA" (read more about those here). Sometimes they can be hard to read, so there is a "refresh image" link next to it which will generate a new image. The CAPTCHA is not case sensitive, so don't worry about matching the capitalization of the letters.
You also must agree to abide by our terms and rules (also know as the Terms of Service), and agree to our Privacy Policy. Once you have entered this information, click the red "Complete Signup" button in the bottom right of the page
Once you complete this step, you will be informed if the registration was successful. If it was, an email will be dispatched to the email address you entered with a link contained within. In order to complete your registration, you must click the link. This is to ensure you have control of the email address you entered and to prevent invalid/spam signups.
If you cannot click the link or it does not work as expected, there is an alternative method to complete the registration. Within the email is your User Name and an Activation ID. You can go here and enter those values.
Once you are registered, head over to the How to change your settings and profile information topic to learn how to change some of your information and settings.