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How wide is too wide?

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    How wide is too wide?

    Someone recently asked how wide is too wide. That's a good question. Some of these stop growing up and spread quite wide. Where do we draw the line? Or do we? Is there a problem if they get wider than they are tall? This one is 14" tall and 18" wide. One thing is likely with this one - If it sets very many of those multiflora blossoms at the top or along the outside of the plant, it will not be able to support them very well.

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ID:	2224

    I am not sure we really want to define global parameters for that. Height is one thing, but "wide"? I would suggest that if the plant can support the width, perhaps with a little help from strategically placed stakes, then it's no too wide.

    Also, people will grow micros in different ways. We've recently had an influx of Aerogarden growers on the facebook page - and depending on the dimensions of their unit, wide might actually be better. The 150X MF F3 line I'm working on, whereas the F2 was a 18-20" tall monster with two colossal trusses, the F3s (so far) are more "square" (thus, more wide) in shape with the MF trusses at the edges.

    Maybe there is a balance between "width" and "density". Too dense + "too wide" might be problematic, but less dense + "too wide" might be beneficial, especially for those without super-high powered lights, as it will allow more light penetration with less light power.

    As you stated though, it might not be able to support the fruits/brances at the edge - and that might classify by that token as "too wide" for that particular plant.


      I agree with you that we shouldn't try to define that. I recently saw a post asking that question and thought I'd continue the discussion.

      Another issue related to the 'too wide' or 'too dense' issues.... With a lot of those that end up too wide or dense, the excessive width or density comes from 'suckers' or extra side-shoots that grow from the base of the plant. By watching and doing a bit of preemptive pruning you might end up with the perfect size and density. I have too many growing to be able to monitor them at that level of detail. However, when I evaluate them as they ripen I see quite a few that look like if they a few side-shoots had been pruned early they would have ended up very close to 'ideal'.


        Maybe the wider tomatoes would do well marketed as "hanging" or "tumbling" tomatoes as I have seen some people say about cherries? I like the wide ones-88x has that potential. Where it can get to be a problem is if they stay very short-6" or so and are planted in ground rather than potted. Too much disease potential hanging all over the soil.

